Thank you for making an initial appointment with Child Parent Counseling. We look forward to meeting you. During your first session, your therapist will explain the therapeutic process, review policies and confidentiality, discuss the risks and benefits of therapy and answer any questions you may have. If your child will be attending the initial session, your therapist will spend time meeting with each of you separately. Your therapist will gather background information and make initial recommendations for treatment. After the first couple of sessions, a treatment plan will be created. Goals will be mutually established to measure progress. We will collaborate with other important people in you/your child's life, relevant to treatment, such as your child's pediatrician, school, psychiatrist or other types of providers.
Please bring the following with you to your appointment:
Photo ID
Insurance card
Any records from previous providers
Any educational information or testing completed
Cash, credit or check payment for the initial session fee of $160 or your co-payment
Completed consent and information forms below (blue buttons)
If you are separated or divorced, please also bring a copy of the judge ordered custody agreement. Both parents will be asked to sign consent forms